
Social Impact Branding Project El Mismo Sol 

 a current issue impacting society or a specific community

El Mismo Sol is a Hispanic coffee shop offering beverages and sweets from all over Hispanic and Latin America. Here in El Mismo Sol spanish comes first, allowing those to feel right at home as well as diving into the culture. Services offer at El Mismo Sol is a mini library filled with Spanish translated books, community events, and a range of Hispanic and Latino made crafts and art. There is a section of the cafe for ESL learning or those seeking to learn spanish and the culture.
The sun in the logo represents every human living under the same sun, no matter where they came from. It also has 33 rays, representing the 33 Hispanic and Latino countries. The type used is Latino Gothic and Amador: Latino Gothic was created by Latinotype, the first typeface distributor in Latin America. Latino Gothic offers a new interpretation of the original design totally focused on the needs of visual communication of the 21st century. Amador is a blackletter font and this font style has been used in contemporary Mexico because of the countries colonial Spanish background. It is used in advertisements, signs, graffiti, tattoos, and Chicano culture. It also emphasis tradition, which is an important aspect to Hispanic and Latin Culture.