Screenprint Designs → Printed Roots

an exploration of Chicano screenprint posters of the 1970s.

Printed Roots is an exploration of Chicano Posters during the Chicano Movements of the 1970s, using visual elements and themes of Chicano identity, symbolism, and overall what it means to be a first generation Mexican-American. During my exploration of these posters the work of Rupert Garcia caught my eye. His simplistic shapes, bold colors, and use of symbolic items was straight to the point - and also very different from my usual design style, but nonetheless a challenge.
Raíces impresas es una exploración de los carteles chicanos durante los movimientos chicanos de la década de 1970, utilizando elementos visuales y temas de identidad chicana, simbolismo, y en general lo que significa ser un mexicano-americano de primera generación.

The word "Nopal" comes from the Natual word nohpalli. It is a symbolic and fundamental symbol in Mexico. Referred to as the life-giving plant or rebirth because it seems to live forever - fallen leaves form a new plant. The nopal is featured in the Mexican flag - symbolizing the defeated hearts of the defeated warriors. Its prickly outer skin needs caution for harvesting and preparation - but inside is full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Yet the word Nopal is used as a derogatory term. “Cara de nopal" which translate to "prickly pear cactus-faced" is used in Mexican culture to describe someone who has obvious indigenous features.

I also created a zine to accompany the posters. In the zine it explains what each poster is titled and there meaning.

NOPAL EN LA FRENTE - Referring to the phrase use for Mexicans with obvious indigenous features... but literally. Inspried by Rene Magritte’s “The Son of Man.”

LA RESISTENCIA - Capturing the spirit of Mexicans, being able to overcome situations and plan roots anywhere.

FROM THE FRESH - Inspired by “Calavera Crystal Ball” by Rupert Garcia. Referencing the Virgin Mary as well as how the nopal is a symbol to the culture.

PRINTED ROOTS - One of my main focus of my art is talking about the dual idenity of being a Mexican-American

LUCHA LIBRE - Combining Mexico’s culture of lucha libre and using the nopal symbolism

REBRITH - The 39 is a reference to “Loteria”, in which the nopal is featured. This is a reference to the rebirth of the plant as well as my mom preparing them to eat.